Our Pro Bono Work

Wide Strategy is pleased to announce that for yet another year, it offered pro bono services on two occasions:

Be the Business - This is a not-for-profit organization that provides a range of resources and support to SMEs across the UK, including access to expert advice and peer-to-peer learning opportunities. Their mission is to help SMEs become more productive and competitive, and we share their commitment to supporting the growth and success of these businesses. Wide Strategy’s Director, Lyda Modiano, has contributed to the organization’s mission, by participating as a Member to the Advisory Board of two SMEs based in the Southern region of the UK.

Blue Hope Network – This is a community that helps refugee talent launch successful careers in countries where there is peace. Blue Hope’s mission is to bring together great people that have fled conflict zones, a unique methodology and the best training resources to bring closer refugee talent and opportunity. Its founder and CEO, Leticia Galdon, a talented social innovator herself, has been Lyda’s mentee in the last couple of months.


Is ESG relevant to small & medium size companies?


The Year in Review: A Celebration of the Positive