Our Pro Bono Work

Corporate mentorship programs provide an opportunity for business professionals to transfer their skills, knowledge and expertise to up-and-coming business folk. These programs foster a positive culture of encouragement for both personal and business development. Mentoring is much more than just about giving back to a community; it creates lasting and mutually beneficial relationships for both the mentor and the mentee.

For 2019, Wide Strategy has chosen to contribute towards empowering young entrepreneurs  through two pro-bono mentorship programs: RG YEP and Zinc. The Reload Greece mentorship program pairs mentors with teams of London entrepreneurs that develop business ideas with a positive impact to Greece. Lyda Modiano, Founder of Wide Strategy, was paired with Leticia Galdon representing PAZ.ai, a social impact startup, whose mission is to bring hope to those stranded in refugee camps in Europe through technology. PAZ brings together professionals, companies and organisations to unfold the potential and untapped talent of those stranded in refugee camps in Europe (Greece in particular), in order to create Europe’s most diverse and ethical tech workforce. “Paz goes wherever a humanitarian crisis arises, listens to those in need and puts bright minds and cutting-edge technologies at their service.”

Wide Strategy also participates in Zinc’s mentorship programme. Zinc is LSE’s social business generator which aims to empower students to build businesses that tackle tough social issues. Lyda Modiano joined Zinc's community of fellows, mentoring a number of different 'zinc mission 2' teams. The teams are comprised of inspiring, young visionaries looking to hone their skills and positively influence the world.


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The International Women’s Day